✔ Locations is a feature to sub categorize users in a group.
✔ Locations can be states, cities, store branches, offices.
✔ Locations are added per group and users can be assigned their respective locations.
✔ Locations are generated into the completion reports.
There are two ways on how to add Locations and assign to users.
1. Import spreadsheet
Locations can be added to the import spreadsheet and those locations will be added to a group and assigned to users.
The system automatically captures the Locations in the import sheet and add them in the Group profile page.
** Here's more info on how to import users:
2. Add Locations Individually
If you wish to add more Locations without using the import sheet. You can add via Edit.
Individually Assign Locations to Users
If you have new users and new Locations added, you can assign Locations via the user profiles.
Locations are generated into the reports.