How to Use the Calendar Feature Follow

Administrators can schedule training using the Calendar feature. With it,

  • you can predate events and course distribution,
  • your learners are alerted that these events are approaching and will receive reminders, and
  • every time you create a new event, an email will automatically be sent to your users to inform them.

Once all your users have been added to groups, and the course has been distributed, you can start scheduling training.

Scheduling an event for a group or individual user

1. Click the Calendar button.

2. Click the New Events button.


3. A pop-up window will appear. To schedule an event for a group, click Select Groups and for individual users, click Select Users and then click Continue.


3. To select the groups you want to schedule an event for, put a checkmark beside the name of the group, and for individual users, put a checkmark beside the user's name. After that, click Continue.



4. Choose the course that you want to schedule and click Continue.


5. Set the date for the event. If you don't want any reminders for the event, put a checkmark beside the No reminders option and if you want to set a due date for the event, put a checkmark beside the Use due date option and then set the due date for the event. You can also put a description for the event. When finished, click Create.

At this point, the event has been created.


calendar6 (1).jpg


6. By clicking the event on the calendar, you have the option to edit or delete the event.

If you want to edit the event, you'll have the option to edit the date, description, and timezone. You can also add or remove groups and/or users. When finished, you may click on Save.




Email Notifications (for users):

1 . Initial notification - always

If No Reminder option is not checked -

  1. 'Before 24 hours' notification ; only if event starts in a more than 48 hours from event creation time ,
  2. 'Before 2 hours '  notification ; only if event starts in a more than 6 hours from event creation time


      3. Monthly deadline reminder email will be sent on due date of every previous month

         (if due date is set).

      4. Users will receive a deadline reminder email 7 days before the due date (for those users who have

         individual licenses but have not completed the course yet) (if due date is set).

      5. Course expired email notification will be sent after the due date has passed.


If No Reminder option is checked -

  1. Monthly deadline reminder email will be sent on due date of every previous month (if due date is set)
  2. Users will receive a deadline reminder email 7 days before the due date (for those users who have individual licenses but have not completed the course yet) (if due date is set).
  3. Course expired email notification will be sent after the due date has passed.

If the due date is not set and the no reminder option is checked, the admin and users will only receive a course distribution email.


*Sample screenshot of the course distribution email received by users


*Sample screenshot of email reminders sent (24 hours before the event, 2 hours before the event, monthly, and 7 days before the due date) to users


*Sample screenshot of email notification of event change sent to users


*Sample screenshot of email notification sent to users when the due date has passed


*Sample screenshot of email notification sent to admins when the due date has passed


Still unsure? Contact us here.